Deana Tarr2019-08-04T20:29:47+01:00
Riding Club
WHEC Riding Club Our new WHEC Riding Club is the perfect opportunity to put into practise the new skills you have been learning in your [...]
Deana Tarr2019-08-17T11:10:29+01:00
4 Day Lake District Riding Holiday
4 Day's Riding in the Lake District Enjoy 4 days riding around some of the most beautiful parts of the lake district. Each day we [...]
Deana Tarr2019-08-08T15:37:33+01:00
Two night Break-Just Hacking
Two night Break-Just Hacking Intermediate/Advanced Riders 3x Half Day Rides (3hrs) Includes 1x lunch 2x Evening Meals Single Occupancy £409.00 pp 2 persons sharing [...]
Deana Tarr2019-08-04T20:29:47+01:00
Riding Club
WHEC Riding Club Our new WHEC Riding Club is the perfect opportunity to put into practise the new skills you have been learning in your [...]
Deana Tarr2019-07-12T12:40:50+01:00
Young Equestrians
Aged 13-18? Have an interest in horses and riding? Want to make new friends and try new things? Our Young Equestrian's Club is for you! [...]
Deana Tarr2019-07-15T22:39:36+01:00